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PSY 210 - Psychology of Personality

This guide aims to support the information and research needs of PSY 210 - Psychology of Personality students at Flagler College.

Databases for Research in Psychology

Primary and Secondary Sources in Psychology

What is considered a primary source in psychology?

Primary sources are original research articles (empirical research), meaning that they are written by the researchers who conducted the research.  They are most often written once the research is complete or near completion. 

  • Are often written by professionals in the field or a related discipline.
  • Many original research articles found in peer-reviewed journals follow a similar format and usually include an introduction, methods section, results, discussion/conclusion, and references.  Look for all of these elements when you are looking for primary sources. 

The APA Dictionary of Psychology defines empirical as:

"derived from or denoting experimentation or systematic observations as the basis for conclusion or determination, as opposed to speculative, theoretical, or exclusively reason-based approaches."

What is considered a secondary source in psychology?

  • Secondary sources in psychology include articles that summarize or provide interpretations of original research.
  • Secondary sources can be articles or books. 
  • Review articles are also considered a secondary source.
  • Secondary sources can often be easier to read. 

**Borrowed from the Cline Library PSY 290 – Research Methods in Psychology LibGuide at Northern Arizona University.

Books from the Proctor Library Catalog

APA Style Guide

APA Help Guide

Print Book

  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association: The Official Guide to APA Style (7th edition)-- RREF BF76.7 .P83 2020 *
    • * RREF stands for Ready Reference. Please ask to see this manual at our circulation desk.

Web Source on APA

  • APA Style
    • This is the American Psychological Association website's help section for users of their manual.

Professional Organizations